Washable wednesday
Om 22½ timme är de scheduled att landa!
Har roligaste sms-konversationen med Daisy. Vi har båda benhinneinflammation (min har blivit värre idag..) och beklagar oss över att våra kroppar är slut redan som 18 åringar och att vi borde ge upp.
S: But I have been treating my body pretty good so I don't know what went wrong haha.
D: Maybe he still thinks you're not good enough for yourself.
S: That's why I'm not religious, god just messes everything up, or maybe he is punishing me because I don't believe in him!
D: Haha that's a little hard but it might be it! We need to pray :p god help us to be better people, to believe and to make our bodies young again, amen.
S: Amen! It's a really good pray. I think I will say it every night from now on, and by next week I will feel whole again, my soul will be healed and my body young, strong and healthy! And did you know what I did today? I stabbed myself with a pair of scissors! This is gods work.
D: Oh I hope it will get better! Oh he is really mad at you today!
S: Yes he is! And I don't know what I did wrong :( I'm trying to be the perfect human being but is that good enough for him? No! I don't know what he wants from me anymore.
D: Perfect doesn't exist that's what god tells you! Maybe you try too hard.
S: Maybe that's why.. What do you do?
D: I think I hurt his feelings when I say too much bad words.
S: Yes that it probably true. It is hard to make the almighty man happy, we have to ask a religious person for advice on how to handle this..
Och apropå att jag stabbed myself with a pair of scissors:
Fast man ser inte riktigt blåmärket på bilden :( Usch vad det blödde i början.
Washable Wednesday var idag också, och såhär slutade min tröja!
Jag har ingen aning om vem Kim är som skrivit!
Det är skrivet i kinesiska, tyska, holländska, spanska och engelska på den!
Har roligaste sms-konversationen med Daisy. Vi har båda benhinneinflammation (min har blivit värre idag..) och beklagar oss över att våra kroppar är slut redan som 18 åringar och att vi borde ge upp.
S: But I have been treating my body pretty good so I don't know what went wrong haha.
D: Maybe he still thinks you're not good enough for yourself.
S: That's why I'm not religious, god just messes everything up, or maybe he is punishing me because I don't believe in him!
D: Haha that's a little hard but it might be it! We need to pray :p god help us to be better people, to believe and to make our bodies young again, amen.
S: Amen! It's a really good pray. I think I will say it every night from now on, and by next week I will feel whole again, my soul will be healed and my body young, strong and healthy! And did you know what I did today? I stabbed myself with a pair of scissors! This is gods work.
D: Oh I hope it will get better! Oh he is really mad at you today!
S: Yes he is! And I don't know what I did wrong :( I'm trying to be the perfect human being but is that good enough for him? No! I don't know what he wants from me anymore.
D: Perfect doesn't exist that's what god tells you! Maybe you try too hard.
S: Maybe that's why.. What do you do?
D: I think I hurt his feelings when I say too much bad words.
S: Yes that it probably true. It is hard to make the almighty man happy, we have to ask a religious person for advice on how to handle this..
Och apropå att jag stabbed myself with a pair of scissors:
Fast man ser inte riktigt blåmärket på bilden :( Usch vad det blödde i början.
Washable Wednesday var idag också, och såhär slutade min tröja!
Jag har ingen aning om vem Kim är som skrivit!
Det är skrivet i kinesiska, tyska, holländska, spanska och engelska på den!