The English pro

Nu ska jag skryta lite. Jag har högst betyg i min engelskaklass, vilket jag säkert sagt förut. Kul är det i alla fall tycker jag. Jag vet inte om jag nämnde att vi skrev dikter för nån vecka sen? Det gjorde vi i alla fall och idag fick vi tillbaka dem. På den ena hade läraren skrivit:
WOW! Very good! Great voice + cadience! Can I have a copy? This is one of the best student poems I've read - you should write more!
Jag trodde inte alls att jag skulle få så bra kritik, la inte ner mycket jobb alls på dikten men det var ju roligt! Men nja.. jag har inte funderat på att bli poet.. Här är dikten förresten:

I sing about early mornings without breakfast -
about excitement, nervousness and flickering butterflies

And even about suitcases, chewing gum and nasty food;
about children crying constantly
while dancing jenga on my back

I sing about the never-ending giggle
and the hard, uncomfortable, narrow seats
I even sing about the disappointment when the wrong movie is showing;
most likely one I've seen a million times before

About the aching and beeping in my ears
as the big bird made out of metal is about to touch the ground
About when the astonishing hear reaches my lungs
as I take my first lingering steps out into the unknown

I sing about when I gaze at the foreign letters,
some that I'm able to understand -
some that just as possibly could be from Mars

It's like your first day at school:
ardent, facetious and joyful, yet intimidating and I'm feeling kind of anxious

Sen har vi en annan som hon skrev såhär om:
Original comparison! Can I have a copy?
Så jag får väl ge henne kopior! Här är den:

Some days I am refreshingly blue -
calm and secure,
self-confident and cool;
like a newborn baby: free from the worries of the world
Other days I am a jumbled brown -
all the world's colors mixed up in one;
indignant orange, somber grey, anxious polkadot,
sometimes even a fearful purple
But what would I be without all my feelings?
Probably nothing more than a withering leaf in October

Och efter sista raden var det en smileygubbe ;)

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